![]() News Should the opposition join the EPRDF parliament?To me, the question we must ask today is not if the Pan Ethiopian Parties/Coalitions should join the EPRDF’s sham and rubber stamp parliament or not. It must be, “What has taken them so long to ‘peacefully’ secure the victory of the people that is fairly and squarely won?”
The Ethiopian people, in unwavering terms , continue to tell their Leaders not to join the EPRDF Parliament. They opt for a short time transitional government, reelection and even armed struggle, though the latter seems to have the least support currently. Who would blame the “blameless Ethiopians”, knowing very well Meles Zenawi’s chronicle of his dubious and cowardly ways of clinging onto and maintaining power by killing his close comrades while they were asleep, the sides he swiftly changes to alienate some of his friends such as Tamirat Layine and Siye Abraham and leave them to rot in prison while joining force with new and questionable characters? The prime misery is a senseless individual who shifts blame without shame. Did he not call those that he denied the opportunity to work and earn a living by his economic, social and political policies as hooligans (Bozenewoch)? Only he can get away with such insults that others elsewhere will be disgracefully chased out of office in no time. If anything, the Parliament is going to be a floor for a ‘GONG SHOW’ rather than a place of thoughtful processes and deliberations to alleviate the real problems of the nation and its citizens.It would be a circus where power is displayed by those so called ‘majority’ that only have the authority to strike the disk with padded mallets at the opening and closing of the political game. The Pan Ethiopian Parties/ Coalitions are holding town meetings locally and abroad to hear the final say of their constituencies which is commendable, eventhough we know where the overwhelming majority stand. I expect our Leaders to adhere to the decision of the majority, despite the reservations or differences they may have, and therefore, I emphatically say “NO” to the idea of joining the EPRDF Paliament! This brings me to the main issue of WHY I think the Pan Ethiopian Leadership has not been able to seize the moment to protect the People’s victory by peaceful demonstration and civil disobedience while the iron WAS hot. The Leadership has let-up some steam and somehow allowed the struggle to cool off. If our Leaders were into the habit of discussing or responding to queries and concerns of CITIZENS, I would have asked them a simple question of WHY A FEW SEEM TO BE TORN BETWEEN THEIR REPEATED PROMISES TO PROTECT THE VICTORY OF THE ELECTIONS AND THEIR CAMPAIGN AGAINST THE TOOLS ENTAILED IN THE PEACEFUL STRUGGLE TO ACHIEVE SUCH GOALS? Dr. Berhanu Nega , who seem to have lingering questions and show clear doubts about the validity and applicability oF the ELEMENTS of a Peaceful Struggle, particularly the ” CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE” part, would have been my prime choice for two reasons: 1. More than any Leader, he has been vocal and unwilling to negotiate with the regime when the public demanded that the role, composition of, duties and responsibilities, etc., should have been negotiated regarding the National Electoral Board of Ethiopia (NEBE) that Meles established alone.I myself had to write a long memo asking if Negotiation and compromise is no more a part of a peaceful struggle, but if it is , why surrender such a tool in the case of NEBE? 2. While I appreciate Dr. Berhanu’s honest and open concern about some of the instruments of the peaceful struggle and questioning the peacefulness of a “Civil Disobedience” , and in a round about way expressing the objective of those who espouse it as supporting an “…open confrontation’, labelling it as “… a conspiracy”, “… a danger that may return to the dark ages’, etc., etc.; I am puzzled by his repeated promises not to compromse with the verdict of the Citizens. My question is how is he going to achieve that when he seems to be worried more about Meles and Company’s stern warnings that any action “disapproved” by the regime will be considered as “inciting violence” and could not make up his mind which route to take? We know that the kangaroo court of EPRDF will not pass a just judgement against Meles and in favor of the Opposition. When is Dr. Berhanu going to accept this fact? While it is understandable that the victimization of citizens by ruthless tyrants, again and again, is a major concern of our leadership and every responsible individual, it also becomes a sheer panacea to attempt to liberate a people while fearing to take a calculated risk. RISK, WE MUST UNDERTSAND, IS INHERENT IN A STRUGGLE WHETHER PEACEFUL OR NOT, AGAINST BRUTE DICTATORS. You cannot stop the violent behavior of tyrants or hinder them from unleashing their wrath when they are ticked off, and they are ticked off for no apparent or logical reason. I honestly and sincerely share Dr. Berhanu Nega’s caution not to expose citizens to danger that the Leadership cannot avoid or protect the people from. On the other hand, I also understand the naked truth that no one except themselves can reform Meles and cohorts. I have to mention here that Dr. Berhanu Nega by his repeated speeches and proposals is constantly searching for new and better solutions to end the stand off peacefully. One such attempt was his joint proposal with Dr. Beyene Petros to set up a “UNITY GOVERNMENT”. I have totally agreed with him, but was disappointed about the watered down negotiation items they presented that would not curb the untamed power of Meles or the ability of the processes to ensue a democratic and peaceful transfer of power to the rightful owners when they win the next elections.I did not hear about this proposal after I listed tough prerequisites that Meles would not agree with or enter into , even in his “second coming”. I may be wrong, but Dr. Berhanu Nega gives me this impression that he wants to shy away from solutions to the satnd off if he thinks it will anger Meles and lead to violence or will not be acceptable by the supreme ethnicist. Regarding Negotiations, or the lack there of, Dr. Berhanu, of all people, must always remember the irreparable debacle our Camp has suffered from, following the establishment and operation of the ‘independent’ NEBE. I know and understand that politicians and academician of Dr. Berhanu’s talent and caliber may not settle for a theory, concept or theme and its application, if they think there has to be a better way of doing business, even when the themes are sound and the methods have proven to be adequately working. I have no problem with such efforts, as long as we realize that there are times when such deductions become essential and when they must be considered a luxury. The concept of “Civil Disobedience” , which was foreign to our Motherland has worked thirty (30) or so many years ago and those of us who were around have witnessed what a powerful tool it was. It automatically kneeled down the Emperor’s regime. Just because this “Social Scientist” Guru, Meles, has revised it and wants to impose on us its new meaning as “inciting violence”, does not mean that we have to acept his definition. Despite Dr. Berhanu’s attempt to avert Meles’ declared terror in ways that are possible, We all have heard Meles’ contingency plan to throw the Country into ethnic strife and war. His plan and determination to disintegrate Ethiopia if he could not rule. As if that is not enough and until then, HE HAS BEEN BUSY PUNISHING THE ETHIOPIAN PEOPLE WITH DEATH EVEN IN TIME OF PEACE. Our people have been decimated, in the millions, by his dicriminatory policy, man made famine and preventable and treatable diseases. I sometimes ask if it is honorable to die fighting than to die like this in a so called “peaceful struggle”! While I do not doubt the good intentions of Dr Berhanu, I would really appreciate if he could make his positions clear and tell us how he is going to take us out of the quagmire and lead us into freedom. I also want to remind the rest of our Leadership to have “THE MEETING OFTHE MINDS.” Having the “UNITY IN PURPOSE” is not adequate by itself unless harnessed by self and organizational discipline. The ordinary citizens must not be intimidated by few vocal loyalists who are always out in front to protect individuals just because they are their esteemed leaders first and cannot do anything wrong, not based on principle or facts. We must know that such elements are the first to abandon those that they kiss the grounds their ‘idols’ walk on, or shift positions and affiliations when things start to crumble.Those frustrated by the slow and calculated response of the public in dishing out their hard earned money must also realize that experience has taught the bunch a great deal. They must be convinced first that effective strategies and tactics and competent and practical leadership are firmly in place and functioning well. ETHIOMEDIA.COM – ETHIOPIA’S PREMIER NEWS AND VIEWS WEBSITE © COPYRIGHT 20001-2003 ETHIOMEDIA.COM. EMAIL: [email protected] |