
The ballot verdict

Having declared a state of emergency, Mr. Zenawi has put the army under his direct control and has now effectively pointed his gun at the Ethiopian people in order to maintain his grip on power by brute force and aggression. Having failed in the ballot box Mr Zenawi has turned to the bullet to save himself and has preferred to put his finger on the trigger.

He has now completed his metamorphosis in to a tin pot dictator who would not hesitate to use military force on unarmed innocent civilians to stay in power. The army is being used as his last refuge to rescue him from his demise. In his televised speech, which was intended to intimidate the Ethiopian people, he stated that he would take severe measures against anybody who break the state of emergency. Most of Addis Abeba’s police force has been disarmed and the capital is now under a military siege. The people in Addis and throughout Ethiopia live in fear.

The Ethiopian people believe that the army that has a tradition of standing in their support, in time of change and crisis will, once again, stand shoulder to shoulder with them and assist in the birth of a democratic Ethiopia. The army know that TPLF /EPRDF and their henchmen have planned their exit long ago. With the fortunes they have amassed from the Ethiopian people, a comfortable life awaits them and their families in America and Europe. The army know that to shoot at and shed the blood of innocent unarmed Ethiopians in order to prop up a dying regime is a shameful act of violence only suited to a coward and a violent regime headed by mr zenawi. For the Ethiopian army therefore, it is very clear which side they should stand.

At this moment in time, the Ethiopian people are being told that, whether they like it or not, they have to accept TPLF/EPRDF as their government. The people are being told that their votes do not mean any thing. Their voice is being silenced by the barrel of a gun.

On the public broadcasting media, which has been put to the regime’s own exclusive use, they are misinforming the public and trying to create the impression that they have won the election. Bullying, intimidation and rhetoric which is the main wholemark of the regime, has been used as a tactic, in order to compromise the gains and victories obtained so far by the opposition parties.

The attempt by the regime to install itself in power, by force, is illegitimate and undemocratic which should be resisted by all who stand for democracy and justice, and for peace and progress in Ethiopia.
The Ethiopian army stands with its people.

The peaceful struggle shall continue until justice is done.


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