UEDF deserves our full support
ENC Press Release
Aug 27, 2004

Millions of Ethiopians , out of lived experiences, have a deep understanding how oppressive governance have brought havoc to their lives. They have time and again spoken, struggled and sacrificed , including their lives, to bring about democratic governance. They have also a deep recognition of the need for unity and unified action for successfully establishing democratic governance, sustainable peace, stability, equality, justice and unity. The people have repeatedly demanded of the Political Organizations that they should wage their struggle in unison and solidarity, to produce the desired results. The often-quoted phrase Kaltebaberu Yisebaberu is a forceful expression of their feelings.

As it is very well known, ENC, since its establishment 1997, has time and again taken up this call of the Ethiopian people, and brought it to political organizations for their considerations. Over these years, particularly up to 2001, ENC facilitated numerous meetings among political organizations that created a common understanding of issues and problems confronting the nation. The individual consultations, the forums and various public pronouncements sponsored and spearheaded by ENC ultimately contributed significantly to the formation of UEDF. Be that as it may, the formation of UEDF is a milestone in the struggle of the Ethiopian people.

While we rejoice over the formation of UEDF, it is disappointing and dismaying to observe lack of significant progress in achieving UEDF’s goals. The report card for its over one year existence and accomplishments falls short of expectations. It is understandable that making the fledging unity work is a serious challenge that requires patience, understanding of the problems facing the country, creative and diplomatic exercise of the mission of UEDF and support of civic organizations and the general public. Although significant progress is lacking in the work of UEDF, managing and handling the problems that are coming up from time to time and maintaining the unity for a year is commendable job by the leadership of UEDF. This has to be recognized and appreciated by all concerned.

As in the past, it is our considered opinion now as well that transitional unity free from organizational competition is a prerequisite to salvage Ethiopia from its humongous predicaments and social ills. Ethiopian problem is huge; no one political party would be able to solve it. Civic groups should be involved as well to make a difference. We honestly believe the unity of action and purpose of political and civic organizations for transitional change is the leading panacea to our long standing problems and their long lasting solutions.

It is also our strong belief that focusing only on the upcoming election pre supposes “victory with one shot” and that may not be the case. The transitional unity has to prepare itself for all eventualities. What is the political program that will lead the Ethiopian people to victory and after victory? What if victory is not achieved? How do you prepare and organize the people for another opportunity? As the election is coming closer, answers to the above questions are not revealed to the people.

It must be understood by all Political & civic organizations, the general public, friends and supporters, that the unity around UEDF is transitional and useful only to affect change and facilitate the establishment of democratic governance with in a limited period of time. This transitional unity must be free from party rivalry and competition as much as possible. The less the competition the better the effectiveness of UEDF becomes. Without this understanding, political will, sacrifice and committing resources that every one concerned musters, UEDF may not achieve it goals.

As UEDF is preparing for its conference, ENC once again urges all parties concerned to think first of our people and the best and fastest possible means of bringing to an end of centuries long misery and suffering. At this time of Ethiopian history, we think mobilizing resources, time and energy, in support of UEDF, is the best we can do to our country. ENC as a civic organization is preparing to do some basic and fundamental civic works in Ethiopia. Our organization continues to support UEDF, because ENC realizes the health and maintenance of genuine democracy in a country is partly dependant on the maintenance of balance between political forces.

Long Live Ethiopia!
Long Live the Unity of UEDF

Executive Committee
Ethiopian National Congress (ENC)

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