
What’s Next? Opposition leaders, please stand up!

The Meles Zenawi regime has declared itself as the “winner” before the certification of the vote counts by its own National Election Board. It is not clear, at this point, if the leadership of both UEDF and CUD are to settle for less than 51% of the seats in the Federal parliament. This 51% is necessary for them to form a “coalition government” that would oust the TPLF/EPRDF regime. Ato Hailu Shawel, the leader of CUD, said it over and over in many of his recent interviews including at the rally in Addis Ababa, which drew over two million of our people. It is on record when he emphatically said “…we will win more than 51%; I guarantee it”.

In the latest news there are very encouraging signs . It is reported today that “Leaders from the Coalition for Unity and Democracy (CUD) and the United Ethiopian Democratic Front (UEDF) said they had ”completed preparations” through which the public would ”reverse” any attempt to tamper with the results from the polls and the CUD saying that it has so far won “133 seats” and the UEDF ” 70″, according to initial results, but says it is confident of winning a majority when all results are counted.

My point is that we, primarily as citizens, and secondly as supporters, have a solemn duty of pointing out to the leadership of the opposition what we think is in the best interest of our country and our people. It would be a folly of untold proportion on our part if we fail to point out to our leaders that settling for less than “51%” would make our organizations irrelevant entities without much weight to effectuate any meaningful policy changes in the EPRDF parliament.

As shown by the massive turnouts of our people for the numerous demonstrations and public rallies called by the opposition forces in the past few weeks, it is very clear that the vast majority of Ethiopians reject the regime of Meles Zenawi. Furthermore, the astounding and sweeping victories of the opposition, in particular, the victory of CUD in Addis Ababa and the UEDF victories in the rural South and West testify to this fact. However, while most of the preliminary reports are indicating that substantial frauds, intimidation and killing of members and supporters of both UEDF and CUD are continuing in rural Ethiopia unabated, the debauched regime of Meles Zenawi is not showing any tint of shame to declare “victory”.

The spectacular scenes of millions in Addis Ababa we saw just two weeks ago, and tens of thousands elsewhere in Ethiopia coming out for opposition rallies and meetings, as well as the record high voter turn out, are but expressions of the popular will of the Ethiopian people for
change. No doubt, the two opposition coalitions could have easily won a landslide majority were it not for the massive rigging, intimidation, killing, and all sorts of tricks carried out by the
treacherous TPLF/EPRDF regime in rural areas. Of course, the regime, in its last gasp of its dictatorial and anti-Ethiopia tenure, has no other choices but resort to these repressive measures in the face of such waves of popular rejection.

Few months before the election, some of the opposition leaders had made tremendous political blunders that undercut the bargaining ability of the opposition and gave the much-needed incentive to the Meles Zenawi’s regime to call off the negotiation with the UEDF. This move emboldened The TPLF regime to conduct the election in conditions that do not meet the lowest international standards for free and fair elections. Today, the impact of this political blunder has its unmistakable mark on the outcome of the election. Going into the election without dismantling the National Election Board and replacing it with a non-partisan body is absurd, to say the least. Now, the opposition forces, all together, are reaping what all or some have sown, and it will be tragic if our people are to bear another five years of abuse, humiliation, and degradation under the regime of Meles Zenawi just because of such foolish blunders.

It is, therefore, incumbant upon the opposition leadership not to betray our people and shatter their hopes and aspirations for a democratic and pluralistic government of Ethiopia. Another round of painful and miserable five years under the hated Meles regime will be unbearable. It is my sincere belief that the leaders of the two opposition coalitions know first hand what our people want: they have seen it not only in Addis Ababa, but also in Kofele, Hagere Mariam, Nazreth, Gonder, Dessie, Bahir Dar, Asela, Nelekmete, Er Bore, Shone, Bidole, Jinka, Korga, Mizan Teferi, Assebe Teferi, Harar, Arba Minch, Tepi, Bonga, and many many urban and rural areas throughout Ethiopia. The will, hope, and aspirations of the people must be respected. Surely, the Ethiopian people are determined to challenge EPRDF’s fraud, manipulations, harassment and killings. Ethiopians in the Diaspora are ready to undertake their supportive role.

Therefore, the leaders of both coalitions shoulder the heavy burden of standing for what they have been promising during and prior to the election campaign. The struggle of the Ethiopian people, in which many have paid the ultimate price, should not end up in only finding lucrative employment for opposition leaders in a TPLF/EPRDF dominated parliament.

Then, the burning question of the moment becomes: are the leaders of the opposition, both UEDF and CUD, going to accept the claimed “victory” of the Meles Zenawi regime or reject it and move on mobilizing the people for other forms of peaceful struggle? In light of the expressed desire of our people on one hand, and the string of fraud, deceptions, killings, and harassment by the regime on the other, settling for mere seats in parliament would tantamount to the ultimate betrayal. It is, indeed, a time that will test the fiber and make up of the leaderships of the oppositions. Yes!! Leaders of UEDF and CUD, please stand up for the challenge of the moment!

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