Witness for Ethiopia’s Semayawi (Blue) Party

By Alemayehu G Mariam

December 23, 2013

In the
days leading up to my speech at the first Semayawi
(Blue) Party town hall meeting in Arlington, VA, just outside of Washington,
D.C., on December 15, I was peppered with all sorts of questions. The one
recurrent question revolved around my unreserved support for Semayawi Party after so many years of staying neutral and
unaligned with any Ethiopian political party or group.

As I explained in my interview on

EthioTube, my support for Semayawi Party should be viewed as an expression of my
total confidence in the power of Ethiopia’s young people to change the destiny
of their country and their readiness to struggle for peaceful change. The
percentage of Ethiopia’s population under the age of 35 today is 70 percent.
The vast majority of the victims of human rights violations in Ethiopia today
are young people. The targets of political persecution and harassment,
arbitrary arrests and detentions, torture, abuse and maltreatment in the
prisons are largely young people. Young Ethiopians are disproportionately
impacted by pandemic unemployment and lack of educational and economic

Here I
record my “testimony” as a “witness” for Semayawi
Party to affirm my unshakeable belief that Ethiopia’s youth shall overcome and
rise above the dirty politics of ethnicity, pernicious religious animosity and
audacious political mendacity to build a shining city upon the hill called the
“Beloved Ethiopian Community.” This I believe to be the fixed historical
destiny of Ethiopia’s young people today.

“testimony” reveals only my personal views and opinions, and in no way reflects
on any past, present or future official or unofficial position of Semayawi Party, its leadership or members. I have no role
whatsoever in Semayawi Party. The only role I have is
the one I have proudly conferred upon myself: “#1 Fan of Semayawi
Party”.  My steadfast “testimony” here may raise eyebrows. I have heard
some “criticism” that by showing strong support for Semayawi
Party I am in fact playing a game of dividing society by age not unlike the
divisive ethnic game of the regime in power. I will let the young people be the
judge of that. As George Orwell said, “In times of universal deceit, telling
the truth will be a revolutionary act.” I consider my “testimony” on behalf of Semayawi Party to be a “revolutionary act” against all of
the political deceit, hypocrisy and chicanery in all around I see.

Why am
I am the #1 cheerleader of Semayawi Party?

First, I
support Semayawi Party because it is a political
party of young people, for  young
people and by young people. It is a party that aspires to represent the
interests of the vast majority of Ethiopians. I underscore the fact that 70
percent of Ethiopia’s population today is under age 35. (Life expectancy in
Ethiopia is between 49 and 59 years depending on the data source.) Ethiopia’s
Cheetah (young) Generation needs a party of its own to represent the majority
of Ethiopians. The Cheetahs need to speak up, stand up and wo/man
up for themselves. Only they can determine their country’s destiny and their

political parties of Hippos (my generation), by Hippos and for
Hippos are simply out of sync with the dreams, aspirations, ambitions and
passions of Ethiopia’s restless Cheetahs. We Ethiopian Hippos simply do not
understand our Cheetahs. So many of us have been rolling in the mud of ethnic
and killil (“bantustan” or
kililistan”) politics, muck of communalism and
 sludge of historical grievances for so long that we have become
completely paralyzed. Ethiopia’s Cheetahs do not want to be prisoners of
antiquated identity politics nor do they want to walk around with the millstone
of  the past tied around their necks. They want
to break free and choose their own destiny and invent their own Ethiopia. 

As a
not-so-loyal member of the “Order of Ethiopian Hippos”, I had great difficulty
accepting the fact that Ethiopia’s  Cheetahs are
very different from Ethiopian Hippos. I had great difficulty accepting the fact
that the time has come for me and my Hippo Generation to
on the baton, stand aside and serve as humble water carriers
for the restless Cheetahs. That is why I transformed myself from a Hippo to a
Chee-Hippo, a transformation I documented in my commentary “Rise
of the Chee-Hippo Generation

Second, I
am deeply concerned about the future of Ethiopia’s youth. As
I noted a few years ago
, “The wretched conditions of Ethiopia’s youth point
to the fact that they are a ticking demographic time bomb. The evidence of
youth frustration, discontent, disillusionment and discouragement by the
protracted economic crisis, lack of economic opportunities and political
repression is manifest, overwhelming and irrefutable. The yearning of youth for
freedom and change is self-evident. The only question is whether the country’s
youth will seek change through increased militancy or by other peaceful
means….” I believe Semayawi Party will play a
significant role in channeling youth frustration into peaceful transformation
in Ethiopia.

Third, I
wholeheartedly believe in youth power. Youth idealism and enthusiasm have the
power to change hearts, minds and nations. Youth power is more powerful than
all the guns, tanks and war planes in the world. The American civil rights
movement was carried on the backs of young people. The vast majority of the
leaders and activists were young people. Dr. Martin Luther King was 26 years
old when he organized the nonviolent protests in Birmingham, Alabama. By the
time John Lewis was 23 years old, he had been jailed
24 times and beaten to a pulp on so many occasions that he does not remember.
On May 6, 1963, over 2000 African American high school, junior high and even
elementary school students were jailed for protesting discrimination in

Americans stopped the war in Vietnam. The free speech movement that began at a
California university transformed free speech and academic freedom in the
United States for good. Barack Obama would not have been elected president
without the youth vote. Youth have also played a decisive role in the peaceful
struggle to bring down communist tyrannies and more recently entrenched
dictatorships in North Africa and the Middle East. The tyrants in the seat of
power in Ethiopia today were “revolutionaries” in their youth fighting against
imperial autocracy and military dictatorship. In their old age, they have
become the very evil they fought to remove. 

I believe
in the power of Ethiopia’s youth who have long played their part to bring about
a democratic society and paid enormous sacrifices for decades. In 2005, the
regime in power in Ethiopia today massacred hundreds of young people in cold
blood in the streets and jailed tens of thousands. (I joined the human rights
struggle in Ethiopia shocked and outraged by that crime against humanity.) Even
today, Ethiopia’s young people continue to pay for democracy, freedom and human
rights with their blood, sweat and tears. Ethiopia’s best and brightest have
been persecuted, prosecuted, jailed, brutalized and 
. At the top of the list are Birtukan Midekssa, Eskinder Nega, Andualem Aragie, Reeyot Alemu, Bekele Gerba,
Abubekar Ahmed, Woubshet Taye, Olbana Lelisa,
Ahmedin Jebel, Ahmed Mustafa, Temesgen
Desalegn, the late Yenesew Gebre and countless others.

Last but
not least, I am in broad agreement with the Semayawi Party Program. It is a well-thought out and
practical program that can effectively address the multifaceted problems of the
country. In my special area of concern focusing on the administration of
justice, human rights and enforcement of the rule of law, I find the Party’s
program to be particularly robust. The Party supports a fully independent and
competent judiciary completely insulated from political pressure and
interference. Judges shall have lifetime tenure subject to impeachable
offenses. The Party supports the establishment of a Constitutional Court with
full judicial review powers. The Party pledges to abide by and respect all
international treaties and conventions to which Ethiopia is a signatory. 
The Party is committed to the full protection of individual rights, including
the right to free speech and religion. There shall be strict separation of
religion and state. The Party opposes any censorship of the press and
curtailment of the activities of  civic
organizations and associations. The Party’s program
states that the loyalty of the armed and security
forces is to the country’s Constitution, and not to a political party, ethnic
group, region or any other entity. The Party’s platform on economic, political,
social and cultural issues is equally impressive.

Why I
support Semayawi Party as a  movement
and true voice of Ethiopia’s Cheetah (young) Generation

It is my
opinion that Semayawi Party is much more than a
political organization concerned with winning votes to hold political office. I
would find nothing unique in Semayawi Party if it
were merely an organization preparing itself for mundane elections and
parliamentary seats. In a country where there are over 80 “registered parties”
(the vast majority of which are nominal ethnic parties) and the ruling “party”
wins “elections” by 99.6 percent, it would be absurd to create another party
such as Semayawi to compete for a miniscule less than
one-half percent of the votes. That is why I believe Semayawi
Party is indeed a movement of young people, by young people and for young
people in Ethiopia.

I regard “Semayawi Party Movement” to be an organizational mechanism
to articulate the dreams and ideals of Ethiopia’s young people about the
country they want to build for themselves and pass on to the next generation.
As a Movement, Semayawi Party serves in various
capacities. It is as an “educational” institution enlightening young Ethiopians
about the history, traditions and cultures of their diverse country. It teaches
young Ethiopians that they are the proud descendants of patriots who united as
one indivisible people to beat and route a mighty invading European army.
Unlike today, Ethiopia was once the pride of all Africans and black people
throughout the world. The Movement aims to regain Ethiopia’s pride in the
community of nations.

I share in
Semayawi Party Movement’s” core values. Semayawi Party believes in peaceful nonviolent struggle
against tyranny and injustice. I champion peaceful nonviolent struggle against
tyranny and injustice anywhere in the world. Semayawi
Party believes in the transformative power of Ethiopia’s youth. A compilation
of all of the weekly commentaries I have written on Ethiopian (and African)
youth over the past 7 years could easily form  a
book length apologia (defense) of the transformative power of Ethiopia’s youth.
My slogan has always been and remains, “Ethiopia’s youth united can never be
defeated. Power to Ethiopia’s youth!”

Semayawi Party Movement has only one goal:
Creating the “Beloved Ethiopian Community” in the same vein that Dr. Martin
Luther King dreamed of creating his “Beloved Community” in his long struggle
for human and civil rights in America. Dr. King taught, “The end of nonviolent
social change is reconciliation; the end is redemption; the end is the creation
of the Beloved Community. It is this type of spirit and this type of love that
can transform opponents into friends.” I believe the “Beloved Ethiopian
Community” shall soon rise from the ashes of the kililistan
(bantustan) Ethiopia has

foundation for Semayawi Party Movement’s “Beloved
Ethiopian Community” is unity, peace and hope. A “Beloved Ethiopian Community”
is united by its humanity and is immune from destruction by the divisive forces
of ethnicity and communalism. It is a Community that strives to establish
equality, equity and accountability. The “Beloved Ethiopian Community” is a
society at peace with itself and its neighbors. I believe Semayawi
Party aspires to invent a new society free from ethnic bigotry and hatred; free
from fear and loathing and free from tyranny and repression. Semayawi Party aims to build a Community where all
Ethiopians —  rich and poor, young and old, men and women, Christian and
Muslim — are free to dream, free to think, free to speak, to write and to
listen; free to worship without interference; free to innovate; free to act and
free to be free. I believe Semayawi Party Movement
will use peace creatively to transform enmity, animosity and bellicosity in
Ethiopian society into amity, cordiality and comity. I believe the Movement
will choose  dialogue over diatribe, negotiation
over negation, harmony over discord and use principles that elevate humanity to
defeat brutality, criminality and intolerance.   

“Beloved Ethiopian community” is a “land of hope and dreams.” It is a community
where young people could look forward to equal opportunity, equal justice and
equal rights. It is a community where Ethiopia’s youth can freely share their
common hopes and dreams. I have faith in Ethiopian youth’s
audacity of hope”.

Let us
ask what we can do for Semayawi Party  

encourage and plead with all Ethiopians, particularly those in my Hippo
Generation, to stand up and be counted on the side of Semayawi
Party Movement. I know many have legitimate questions, doubts and skepticisms
based on unpleasant past experiences as they consider lending their support. I
have been asked, “How can we trust these young and inexperienced leaders to do
the right thing?” I answer back, “How well did our experienced and trusted
Hippo leaders do?”

under the most vicious dictatorship in Africa brings out the very best in many
young people. Semayawi Party Movement leaders,
members and supporters have shown us what they are made of: courage, integrity,
discipline, maturity, bravery, honor, fortitude, creativity, humility, idealism
and self-sacrifice. They have been arrested, jailed and beaten. They did not
stop their peaceful struggle. What more sacrifice must they make before they
can convince us that they deserve our full support? They are young and
passionate; and they have all of the experience they need to continue their
peaceful struggle for change.

Some have
asked me for assurances that Semayawi Party is not a
front for the regime or other hidden forces. All I can say is that if Semayawi Party Movement leaders, members and supporters are
regime lackeys, then so are Prof. Mesfin Woldemariam, Prof. Yacob Hailemariam, and to mention in passing, Prof. Al Mariam. If
the regime is so clever as to use Semayawi Party to
broadcast its commitment to the rule of law and democratic governance, I am all
for it. If today the regime released all political prisoners (including those
held in secret prisons), repealed its oppressive laws, stopped massive human
rights violations and stealing elections, I will be the first one to go out in
the street and sing them praises. It is not about the
people in power; it’s about the evil done by people in power.

I have
been told that nearly all Ethiopian political organizations that have been
launched in the past decade or so  have
eventually failed. I have been asked, “How can you be sure Semayawi
Party will not fail?” There are no guarantees Semayawi
Party will not fail. If it fails, it will not be for lack of willpower,
enthusiasm, dedication and sacrifice by Semayawi
Party leaders and members. It will be mainly because of lack of support, lack
of good will, lack of confidence, lack of generosity and
of material and moral support from their compatriots inside
Ethiopia and in the Diaspora. If they should fail and we feel arrogant enough
to wag an index finger at them and say, “I told you so!”, let us not forget
that three fingers will be pointing at us silently. Nelson Mandela pleaded, “Do
not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got
back up again.” Let us judge Semayawi Party not by
the chances that it will slip and fall in the future but by how many times it
is able to get back up after it falls, with our help and support.

Some have
expressed concern to me that their financial contributions could be abused as
has happened so many times in the past. They want assurances of strict
accountability and transparency. They ask me, “How can we be sure Semayawi Party will not abuse our trust as others have in
the past?”

The Semayawi Party Support Group in North America is a
gathering of the most dynamic and disciplined group of young Ethiopians I have
had the privilege to know and work with. These young Ethiopians have committed
significant resources out of their own pockets to support the cause of
Ethiopian youth. They are young professionals and private businessmen and women
representing the ethnic, gender and cultural diversity of Ethiopia. They
understand and appreciate the values of  accountability
and transparency. They relate with each other on the basis of honesty and
integrity. For my money, I have no problems taking chances with them because I
am convinced they will not let me down! I have full faith in the integrity of
Ethiopia’s young people; that is my guarantee they will do the right thing.

In my
speech at the first town hall meeting for Semayawi
Party on December 15, I told the audience that Yilikal
Getnet, the chairman of Semayawi
Party, did not come to the United States to beg for support or panhandle for
nickels and dimes.  Semayawi Party does not want
a handout or charity from us in North America. Yilikal
came to America to share with us the trials and tribulations of his party, the
challenges they face, their humble accomplishments under a brutal dictatorship
and the dreams and hopes of Ethiopia’s young people for a free and democratic

I believe
that in all of the town hall meetings scheduled for Semayawi
Party in the U.S., we should receive Yilikal, Semayawi Party members and supporters as heroes of a
growing youth movement for peaceful change in Ethiopia. We must use the town
hall meetings to celebrate not only the individual acts of heroism of youth
leaders like Yilikal, Eskinder,
Andualem, Reeyot and so
many others but also to rejoice in the raw heroism of those young people
demonstrating in the streets crying out “Anleyayim! Anleyayim!”
(We will remain united!) or ‘Ethiopia, Agarachin! Ethiopia, Agerachin! (Ethiopia, our country!). (I always get a lump in my throat
when I hear them chanting “Anleyayim! Agerachin, Ethiopia!)

For me, Yilikal’s presence in our midst as the leader of Semayawi Party is a reminder that the young people who were
massacred in 2005 peacefully demonstrating a stolen election did not die in
vain. He is a live witness that the peaceful struggle of those massacred for
free and fair elections and the rule of law continues
no matter what. So the question for us is: What can we do for Semayawy Party Movement? A better question is how do we
show our appreciation, respect and admiration to our young heroes — the fallen
ones, the ones in jail, the ones being tortured, those facing daily harassment,
persecution and humiliation?

Semayawi Party Movement needs all the support
they can get. They need our moral support. They need our encouragement; they
need to know we have confidence in them. Most of all, they need material
support to undertake their youth outreach, education and awareness programs.
They need material support to expand and sustain their organizational presence
throughout the country. They need material support to maintain a robust legal
defense fund. They need our material support to stand up to the richest, most
corrupt and ruthless dictatorship on the African continent.

financial gift to Semayawi Party Movement is merely a
token of our appreciation and an indication that we are with them as long as
they keep their peaceful struggle for justice, equality, democracy and human
rights. Our gift to Semayawi Party Movement is an
investment in an Ethiopia at peace with itself. We give so that the next
generation of Ethiopians will live in a new Ethiopia unburdened by our mistakes
and ignorance. It is our individual and social responsibility to support our
young people. If we don’t support our children – all of the young people in
Ethiopia – who will?

Let us
ask what Semayawi Party can do for us

In August
2012, I asked, “Who can save Ethiopia?” in a commentary titled, “Cheetahs,
Hippos and Saving Ethiopia
”. I pleaded with Ethiopia’s youth to lead  a national dialogue in search of a path to peaceful
change. I have repeated my appeal to them in various ways since then.

I call
upon Semayawi Party Movement to continue and
intensify the reconciliation dialogue among themselves
and launch a reconciliation dialogue in the broader Ethiopian youth community.
I believe the dialogue on national reconciliation in Ethiopia must begin within
Ethiopia’s youth communities. Ethiopia’s Cheetah’s must empower themselves,
create their own political and social space, set their own agendas and begin
multifaceted dialogues on their country’s transition from dictatorship to
democracy through dialogue.  They must develop their own awareness
campaigns and facilitate vital conversations among youth communities cutting
across language, religion, ethnicity, gender, region
and so on. Their dialogues must be based on the principles of openness, truth
and commitment to democracy, freedom and human rights. They must dialogue
without fear or loathing, but with respect and civility.  Above all, the
Cheetahs must “own” the dialogue process. At a gathering of Cheetahs, Hippos
should be seen and not heard very much; welcomed and encouraged to observe
Cheetahs in action. The Cheetahs must keep a sharp eye on wily Hippos who are
very skillful in manipulating youth. They should learn not to fall in the trap
young people fell during the “Arab Spring”. The cunning Hippos outplayed,
outmaneuvered and marginalized them in the end.

I believe
reconciliation dialogues should begin among activist youth in informal and
spontaneous settings. For instance, such dialogues could initially take place
among like-minded activist youth at the neighborhood and village level.
Activist youth could undertake an assessment of their capabilities, potentials,
opportunities and obstacles in setting up and managing a community-based
informal reconciliation youth dialogues. Youth activist could focus on creating
broader youth awareness and involvement in the dialogue process by utilizing
existing organizations, institutions, associations and

dialogue involves not only talking but also actively listening to each other.
Youth from Ethiopia’s multiethnic society have much to learn from each other
and build upon the strengths of their diversity. Ethiopia’s Cheetahs should
also learn from the mistakes of the Hippo Generation and the experiences of
youths of other nations. I urge Ethiopia’s Cheetahs to be principled in their
reconciliation dialogues. They should always disagree without being
disagreeable. Disagreeing on issues should not mean becoming mortal enemies.
Civility in dialogue, though lacking among Hippos, is essential for Cheetahs.

of our…?

“In times
of universal deceit,” silence speaks louder than words and pictures. Dr. Martin
Luther King said, “In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies,
but the silence of our friends.” As I end this commentary, I must speak up
against the “silence” of our “friends” because sometimes silence is more
eloquent than speech. When the leader of Ethiopia’s youth party came to
Washington, D.C. for the very first time and spoke to a capacity crowd of
Ethiopians unseen in the past several years, the Voice of America (VOA) was
conspicuously absent. VOA did not send a single reporter to cover the event. I
do not know why the VOA decided to absent itself from the event. I do
 know that the Semayawi Party event was no less
important than the variety of Ethiopian sports, cultural, academic and
community events and even book signings  VOA routinely covers on weekdays
and weekends in around Washington, D.C. Perhaps for the VOA Semayawi
Party and Ethiopia’s youth are a simple issue of mind over matter; VOA does not
mind and Ethiopia’s youth don’t matter.

I want VOA
to know that when they faced the slings and arrows of  Meles Zenawi, when Zenawi outrageously accused them of “promoting genocide in
Ethiopia”, I stood up for them. I defended their integrity, professionalism and
impartiality time and again. I expected the VOA to attend the Semayawi Party event and report on the proceedings with the
integrity, professionalism and impartiality they have shown in the past.
Perhaps Ethiopians will begin to ask whether the Voice of America is now the
Silence of America (SOA). We will continue to listen to the SOA, but not in

No more
silence; let us shout out and show our support for Semayawi
Party Movement

Let us be
silent no more. Let us proudly proclaim our support for Semayawi
Party Movement. Let’s stand tall and proud with them. Let’s show them we
appreciate and support their peaceful and nonviolent struggle for change. Let’s
assure them that no matter how long it takes to walk the long road to freedom,
we will be with them. They will be victorious in the end. Let’s show Semayawi Party Movement we love them!

Ethiopia’s youth united can never be defeated. Power to Ethiopia’s Youth!

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